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Sandal, I and Saini, U and Bhattacharya, Amita and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Lacroix, B and Citovsky, V (2007) Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of tea leaf explants: effects of counteracting bactericidity of leaf polyphenols without loss of bacterial virulence. Plant Cell Reports, 26 (2). pp. 169-176.

Hallan, Vipin and Singh, L and Jabeen, N and Singh, A K and Ram, R and Martin, D P and Zaidi, A A (2007) Coat protein gene diversity among Chrysanthemum virus B isolates from India. Archives of Virology, 152. pp. 405-415.

Kulshrestha, S and Hallan, Vipin and Raikhy, G and Adekunle, O K and Verma, N and Haq, Q M R and Zaidi, A A (2005) Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction-based detection of Arabis mosaic virus and Strawberry latent ringspot virus in vector nematodes. Current Science, 89 (10). pp. 1759-1762. ISSN 0011-3891

Raikhy, G and Hallan, Vipin and Kulshrestha, S and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A (2006) Multiplex PCR and genome analysis of Carnation mottle virus Indian isolate. Current Science, 90 (1). pp. 74-82. ISSN 0011-3891

Raikhy, G and Hallan, Vipin and Kulshrestha, S and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A (2006) Complete nucleotide sequence of an Indian isolate of Carnation etched ring virus and its homology with other caulimoviruses. Current Science, 90 (2). pp. 176-187. ISSN 0011-3891

Thakur, Rajesh and Sood, A (2006) An efficient method for explant sterilization for reduced contamination. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 84. pp. 369-371.

Katoch, M and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A (2002) Status of bean yellow mosaic virus on Gladiolus. Crop Protection, 21 (9). pp. 861-865.

Singh, A K and Hallan, Vipin and Raja , Ram and Zaidi, A A (2005) Variability in the coat protein of Lily symptomless virus isolates infecting various lily species. Plant Pathology, 54 (5). pp. 621-624. ISSN 0032-0862

Hallan, Vipin and Sherpa, A R and Zaidi, A A (2004) CLONING AND SEQUENCING OF COAT PROTEIN GENE OF AN INDIAN ODONTOGLOSSUM RINGSPOT VIRUS ISOLATE. Acta Virologica, 48 (4). pp. 263-265.

Hallan, Vipin and Mehra, A and Lal, Brij and Negi, H R and Zaidi, A A (2005) Sorbaria tomentosa – a new natural host for Potato virus Y(PVY) (PVY). Plant Pathology, 54 (4). p. 572.

Kumar, Y and Bhardwaj , P and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi, A A (2010) Detection and characterization of Ageratum enation virus and a nanovirus-like satellite DNA1 from zinnia causing leaf curl symptoms in India. Journal of General Plant Pathology , 76 (6). pp. 395-398. ISSN 1345-2630

Singh , Bikram and Sharma, S and Rani , G and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi, A A and Virk, G S and Nagpal, A (2008) In vitro micrografting for production of Indian citrus ringspot virus (ICRSV)-free plants of kinnow mandarin (Citrus nobilis Lour X C. deliciosa Tenora). Plant Biotechnology Reports, 2 (2). pp. 137-143. ISSN 1863-5466

Kumar, Y and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi, A A (2009) First finding of Freesia mosaic virus infecting freesia in India. Plant Pathology, 58. p. 404.

Kushwaha , R and Pandey, S and Chanda, S and Bhattacharya, Amita and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2008) Temperature-dependent growth and emergence of functional leaves: an adaptive mechanism in the seedlings of the western Himalayan plant Podophyllum hexandrum. Journal of Plant Research, 121 (3). pp. 299-309.

Rana, T and Chandel, V and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi, A A (2011) Expression of recombinant Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus coat protein in heterologous system: production and use in immunodiagnosis. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 20. pp. 138-141.

Chand, Gopi and Nehria, Rakesh and Meena, RL and Singh, R D and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2006) Effect of Differen Growth Regulators on Vegetative Propagtion of Ginkgo biloba. Indian Scientific and Industrial Research , 14 (1). pp. 21-24.

Singh, L and Hallan, Vipin and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A (2011) Expression of recombinant Chrysanthemum virus B coat protein for raising polyclonal antisera. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 20. pp. 96-101.

Malik, S and Sharma, S and Sharma, Madhu and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2010) Direct shoot regeneration from intact leaves of Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnston using thidiazuron. Cell Biology International, 34 (5). pp. 537-542.

Singh, S and Dhyani, D and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) Apomixis in plants-embryology,genetics and molecular basis. Journal of Cell and Plant Sciences, 2. pp. 24-31.

Singh , S K and Chand , Gopi and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and S, Rajkumar (2010) Estimation of genetic diversity in Ginkgo biloba trees from northwestern India using AFLP and micro satellite markers. Journal of Plant Genetics & Transgenics, 1 (1). pp. 16-20.

Kulshrestha, S and Hallan, Vipin and Raikhy, G and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A (2004) Strawberry latent ringspot virus Infecting Roses in India. Plant Disease, 88 (1). p. 86.

Chand, Gopi and M B, Tamang and V S, Ramadas (2005) Studies on the growth and biomass production certain fuelood trees under short rotation high density energy plantation in Palampur(Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Annals of Forestry, 13 (2). pp. 210-222.

Zaidi, A A and Hallan, Vipin and Rana, T and Raikhy, G and Raja, Ram (2009) Viruses in ornamental crops and their management: an Indian scenario. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, 12 (3). pp. 147-166.


Jamwal, P and Uniyal, S K (2008) Vegetation characteristics and under - canopy assemblages of subtropical chir pine forests at two sites in Western Himalaya. Indian Journal of Foresty, 31 (1). pp. 29-36.

Kharkwal, A and Singh , D and S, Rajkumar and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2009) Genetic variation within and among the populations of Podophyllum hexandrumRoyle (Podophyllaceae) in western Himalaya. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 156. pp. 67-71.

Kulshrestha, S and Hallan, Vipin and Raikhy, G and Zaidi, A A (2010) DEVELOPMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC KIT AGAINST THE RECOMBINANT COAT PROTEIN OF PRUNUS NECROTIC RINGSPOT VIRUS. Journal of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus.

Mehra, A and Hallan, Vipin and Lal, Brij and Zaidi, A A (2006) Occurrence of Chilli veinal mottle virus in Himalayan butterfly bush ( Buddleja crispa ). Plant Pathology, 55 (2). p. 284.

Kaur, R and Thind, T and Singh , Bikram and Arora, S (2009) Inhibition of lipid peroxidation by extracts/subfractions of Chickrassy (Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss.). Naturwissenschaften, 96 (1). pp. 129-133. ISSN 0028-1042

Singh, A K and Hallan, Vipin and Verma, N and Zaidi, A A (2005) Natural occurrence of Lily symptomless virus on spider lily. Plant Pathology, 54 (2). p. 255. ISSN 0032-0862

Bhattacharya, Amita and Nagar , P K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Changes in en dog e nous indole-3-ace tic acid and some bio chem i cal pa ram e ters dur ing seed de vel op ment in Ca mel lia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. Acta Physiologia Plantarum, 26 (4). pp. 399-404.

Kumar , R and Singh , Virendra and Devi, K and Sharma, Madhu and Singh, M K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2009) State of Art of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Agronomy: A Comprehensive Review. Food Review International, 25 (1). pp. 44-85.

Mondal, T K and Bhattacharya, Amita and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Sharma, Madhu (2001) Induction of in vivo somatic embryos from tea(Camellia sinensis)cotyledones. Current Science., 81 (3). pp. 297-300.

Shanmugam, V and Kanoujia, N and Singh, M K and Singh, S and Prasad , R (2011) Biocontrol of vascular wilt and corm rot of gladiolus caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli using plant growth promoting rhizobacterial mixture. Crop Protection, 30. pp. 807-813.

Shanmugam, V and Verma, R and S, Rajkumar and Naruka , D S (2011) Bacterial diversity and soil enzyme activity in diseased and disease free apple rhizosphere soils. Annals of Microbiology, 61. pp. 767-772.

Singh , S K and Chand, Gopi and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and S, Rajkumar (2010) Estimation of Genetic Diversity in Ginkgo biloba Trees from Northwestern India Using AFLP and Microsatellite Markes. Journal of Plant Genet & Transgenics, 1 (1). pp. 16-20.

Thakur, Rajesh and Sood, A and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2003) Portable laminar air flow cabinet (STERIFLOWTM). Journal of Scientific & industrial Research, 62. pp. 1158-63.

Sharma , R K and Gupta, P and Sharma, V and Sood , A and Mohapatra , T and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2008) Evaluation of rice and sugarcane SSR marker for phylogenetic and genetic diversity analysis in bamboo. Genome. Genome, 51 (2). pp. 91-103. ISSN 0831-2796

Singh , M K (2002) Post-harvest handling and care of cut flower. Indian Horticulture, 46 (4). pp. 44-45.

Prakash, Om and Nagar , P K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2001) Effect of auxins and phenolic acids on rooting of four and eight node cutting of tea (Camellia sinensis(L.)O.Kuntze). Journal of Plantation Crops , 29 (3). pp. 56-60.

Singh , M K (2002) Cromm production in gladiolus as affected by size of coemelsl and GA3 application in:. Floriculture Research Trend in Inda, Indian society of Ornamental Horticulture. pp. 246-428.

Pati, P K and Sharma, Madhu and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Isolation of microspore protoplasts in Rosa L. Current Science, 87 (1). pp. 23-24. ISSN 0011-3891

Zaidi , A A and Verma, N and Hallan, Vipin (2001) Orchid viruses- Detection and management. journal of Orchid Society of India , 15 (1-2). pp. 77-84.

Sharma, P K and Lal , Brij (2003) Commercially important medicinal and aromatic plants of Parvati valley of Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 27 (4). pp. 937-942.

Singh , M K (2003) Stalk length variation in Indian roses growth under greenhouse.A compendium of research papers of National Symposium on Recent Advances in Indian. Floriculture at Keralla Agricultural unversity, Trichur, , 12-14. pp. 178-179.

Singh , M K (2005) For Himachal Pradesh: Alstroemeria a new flower. Indian Horticulture, 50 (2). pp. 14-15.

Sharma , S and Singh , Bikram and Rani , G and Zaidi , A A and Hallan, Vipin and Virk , G S (2004) Current status of Indian citrus ringspot virus (ICRSV) in Kinnow orchards of Punjab and neighbouring states. International Journal of Bioscience Reporter , 2 (2). pp. 132-135.

Chand , Gopi and Tamang, M B and Ramadas, V S (2005) Studies on the growth and biomass production of certain fuelwood trees under short rotation high density energy plantation in Palampur (Himachal Pradesh). Annals of Forestry, 13 (2). pp. 210-222.

Verma , N and Raja, Ram and Hallan , Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2004) Meristern tip culture of Product.Cucumber mosaic virus-free chrysanthemums. Australian Flower Undustry , 2 (2). p. 14.

Chand, Gopi (2005) Influence of irrigation on growth and biomass production of some short rotation high density energy plantation in north-western Himalaya in Palampur )HP). Proceedings of the Internationanl Conference on short Rotation Forestry for Industrial and Rural Development 2003, University of Horticulture & fforestry, Solan (HP), September. Horticulture & Forestry (7-13). pp. 201-208.

Pati, P K and Sharma , Madhu and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2008) Protoplast Isolation and Culture, In Plant Biotechnology: Methods in Tissue Culture and Gene Transfer (Eds.R Keshavachanadran and Peter KV), Universities Press (India)Pvt.Ltd., India,. Tissue Culture and Transfer, 11. pp. 115-132.

Chand, Gopi and Singh, R D and Meena, RL and Lal, Brij (2011) Effect of plant growth regulators on sprouting biomass production of Tylophora asthmatica L. in mid hills of Himalaya. Journal of The Indian Forester, 137. pp. 255-260.

Dhyani, D and Karthigeyan, S and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2005) An efficient round cut method (RCM) for emasculation of rose flowers. Acta Horticulture, 690. pp. 125-130.

Kumar, R and Kumar , Ramesh and Singh , R D and Prasad, R (2010) Modulation of wild marigold Tagets minuta L) phenophases towards the varying temperature regimes-a field study. Journal of Agrometeorology, 12 (2). pp. 234-240.

Kumar , Anil and Sood, A and Palni T, Uma and Gupta , A K and Palni, LMS (2001) Micropropagation of Rosa damascena Mill. from mature bushes using thidiazuron. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 76 (1). pp. 30-34.


G D, Kiran Babu and Singh , Bikram (2009) Simulation of Eucalyptus cinerea oil distillation: A study on optimization of 1,8-cineole production. Biochemical Engineering Journal , 44. pp. 226-231.

Shanmugam, V and Singh , N A and Raja, Ram and Dhyani, D (2009) Screeing carnation and gladiolus cultivars for vascular wilt resistance. Journal of Indian Phytopath, 62 (1). pp. 117-118.

Kumari, A and Yadav , S K and Yadav, S C (2010) Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles based drug delivery systems. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces , 75. pp. 1-18.

Kumari, A and Yadav , S K and Pakade, Yogesh B and Singh , Bikram and Yadav, S C (2010) Development of biodegradable nanoparticles for delivery of quercetin. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 80. pp. 184-192.

Zaidi , A A and Hallan, Vipin and Rana, T and Raikhy, G and Raja, Ram (2010) Virus in ornamental crops and their management an: Indian. Journal of Ornamental Horticulture, 12 (3). pp. 147-166.

Rana, T and Chandel, V and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi , A A Scenario of Viruses on Apple and their Management: An Indian Prespective. Antibodies of Planr Virus, 22. pp. 426-478.

Negi, A and Rana, T and Kumar, Y and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2009) FIRST REPORT OF APPLE STEM GROOVING VIRUS FROM POME AND STONE FRUITS IN INDIA. Journal of Plant Pathology, 91 (2). p. 501.

Kaul , Kiran and Dhyani, D and Sharma, R K (2009) Evaluation of DNA Extraction Methods for RAPD,SSR and AFLP Analyses of Wild Rose Species. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology, 3 (1). pp. 25-30.

Chand, Gopi and Singh, R D (2011) Growth and Biomass Production of Selected Fuel wood Tree Species in mid hill of Western Himalaya in India. Journal of Reprinted form The Indian Forester, 137. pp. 615-628.

Walia, Y and Dhir, S and Bhadoria, S and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2012) Molecular characterization of Apple scar skin viroid from Himalayan wild cherry. Forest Pathology, 42. pp. 84-87.

Lakshmi, Vijay and Hallan, Vipin and Raja, Ram and Ahmed, N and Zaidi , A A (2011) Diversity of Apple mosaic virus Isolates in India Based on Coat Protein and Movement Protein Genes. Indian Journal of Virol, 22 (1). pp. 44-49.

Rana, Ajay and Dhyani, D and Gulati, Ashu and Singh, H P (2011) Isolation of two major iridoid glucosides from Incarvillea emodi. Natural Product Research, 25 (10). pp. 1014-1017.

Paul , A and Kumar, Sanjay (2011) Responses to winter dormancy, temperature, and plant hormones share gene networks. Functional and Integrative Genomics., 11. pp. 659-664.

Kaur, R and Singh , Bikram and Arora, S (2011) Amelioration of oxidative damage by Methyl gallate in different in vitro models. Phytopharmacology, 1 (4). pp. 82-94.

Kumari, Alka and Pakade, Yogesh B and Chand, Piar and Lal, Brij (2011) ASSESSMENT OF BIOACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METAL BY PTERIS VITTATA L. GROWING IN THE VICINITY OF FLY ASH. Planta Medica, 13. pp. 779-787.

Uniyal, S K and Kumar, Amit (2011) Charcoal making: going green with black. Current Science, 100 (1). p. 9.

Bhardwaj, P K and Kaur, J and Sobit, R C and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Kumar, Sanjay (2011) Lipoxygenase in Caragana jubata responds to low temperature, abscisic acid, methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid. Gene, 483. pp. 49-53.

Bhardwaj, P K and Kaur, J and Sobti, R C and Kumar, Sanjay (2012) Identification and expression analysis of CjLTI, a novel low temperature responsive gene from Caragana jubata. Journal of Molecular Biology Reports, 39. pp. 3197-3202.

Kaur, P and Das, Pralay and Chaudhary, A and Singh , Bikram (2011) Amine and thiazole substituted !-butyrolactones from naturally occurring limonene. Journal of Chemistry, 89. pp. 639-644.

Kumar, R and Sharma , S and Singh , Bikram (2011) Evaluation of Transplanting Time Effect on Characteristic Growth, Essential Oil and its Composition in Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea L.) in North-Western Himalayas. Journal of Essential oil Bearing Plants , 14 (3). pp. 260-265.

Sharma, O P and Kumar, Neeraj and Bhat., Tej. K and Singh , Bikram (2012) An improved method for thin layer chromatographic analysis of saponins. Journal of Food Chemistry, 132. pp. 671-674.

Singh , D and Singh , Bikram and Goel, R K (2011) Hydroethanolic leaf extract of Ficus religiosa lacks anticonvulsant activity in acute electro and chemo convulsion mice models. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results., 2 (2). pp. 58-61.

Chaudhary, A and Sood, S and Kaur, P and Kumar, Neeraj and Thakur, A and Gulati, Arvind and Singh , Bikram (2012) Antifungal Sesquiterpenes from Cedrus deodara. Journal of Planta Medica, 78. pp. 186-188.

Singh, L and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2011) Intermolecular Interactions of Chrysanthemum virus B Coat Protein: Implications for Capsid Assembly. Indian Journal of Virol, 22 (2). pp. 111-116.

Chand, Gopi and Singh, R D (2009) Growth behaviour of some tree species in high density plantation mid hills of western Himalayas. Journal of The Indian Forester, 135 (3). pp. 361-372.

Brar, Jasmine and Nadha, Harleen Kaur and Sood, A Bamboo Propagation for Conservation and sustainable Development. Productivity Enhancement and value Addition of Bamboos. pp. 134-141.

Bhondekar, Amol P and Gulati, Ashu and Singla, Madan L. and Kapur, Pawan and Vig, Renu (2011) Performance Evaluation of a Novel iTongue for Indian Black Tea Discrimination. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 11 (12). pp. 3462-3468.

Kaur, R and Sharma , U and Singh , Bikram and Arora, S (2011) Antimutagenic potential of chickrassy (Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss.) bark. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5 (20). pp. 5021-5033.

Kushwaha , R and Bhattacharya, Amita and Singh , Bikram and Singh, R D (2012) Factors affecting podophyllotoxin yield in the ex situ grown Podophyllum hexandrum, an endangered alpine native of the western Himalayas. J Nat Med, 66. pp. 1-7.

Singh , N A and Shanmugam, V (2011) Cloning and characterization of a bifunctional glycosyl hydrolase from an antagonistic Pseudomonas putida strain P3(4). Journal of Basic Microbiology , 51. pp. 1-10.

Kaur, P and Chaudhary, A and Singh, D R and Chand, Gopi and Singh , Bikram (2012) Spatial and Temporal Variation of Secondary Metabolite Profiles in Ginkgo biloba Leaves1). CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY, 9. pp. 409-417.

Chaudhary, A and Sharma, P and Nadda , Gireesh and Tewary, D K and Singh , Bikram (2011) Chemical composition and larvicidal activities of the Himalayan cedar, Cedrus deodara essential oil and its fractions against the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. Journal of Insect Science:, 11. pp. 1-10.

Kaur, D and Ogra, R K and Bhattacharya, Amita and Sood, A (2012) Changes in sugar levels during slow growth of Dendrocalamus hamiltonii somatic embryos due to liquid paraffin overlay. In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol, 48. pp. 120-126.

Sharma, V and Shanmugam, V (2011) Purification and characterization of an extracellular 24 kDa chitobiosidase from the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma saturnisporum. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 51. pp. 1-8.

Uniyal , S K and Jaryan, V (2012) Need for a centralized digital inventory on floral additions. CURRENT SCIENCE, 102 (4). pp. 544-545.

Chorell, E and Bentsson, C and Banchelin, Thomas Sainte-Luce and Das, Pralay and Uvell, H and Sinha, Arun K and Pinkner, Jerome S. and Hultgren, Scott J. and Almqvis, Fredrik (2011) Synthesis and application of a bromomethyl substituted scaffold to be used for efficient optimization of anti-virulence activity. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 46. pp. 1103-1116.

Kaur, P and Chaudhary, A and Singh , Bikram and Chand, Gopi (2011) Simultaneous Quantification of Flavonoids and Biflavonoids in Ginkgo biloba Using RP-HPTLC Densitometry Method. Journal of Planar Chromatography, 24 (6). pp. 507-512.

Kumar, Ravi and Sharma, Nandini and Malik, Sonia and Bhushan, Shashi and Sharma , U K and Kumari, Devla and Sinha, Arun K and Sharma, Madhu and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) Cell suspension culture of Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnston – A potential source of naphthoquinone pigments. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5 (25). pp. 6048-6054.

Sharma, Bobita and Singh , Bikram and Dhyani, D and Verma, P K and Karthigeyan, S (2012) Fatty acid composition of wild growing rose species. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol., 6 (6). pp. 1046-1049.

Gulati, Arvind and Atri, N S and Sharma, S K and Sharma, B M (2011) Nutrional studies on five wild Lentinus species from North-West India. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 140-145.

Mishra, Arti and Taneja, Neelam and Sharma, R K and Kumar, Rahul and Sharma, Naresh C and Sharma, Meera (2011) Amplified fragment length polymorphism of clinical and environmental Vibrio cholerae from a freshwater environment in a cholera-endemic area, India. Mishra et al. BMC Infectious Diseases, 11. pp. 2-9.

Korekar, Girish and Sharma, R K and Kumar, Rahul and ......,, Meenu and Bisht, Naveen C. and Srivastava , Ravi B and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Stobdan, Tsering (2012) Identification and validation of sex-linked SCAR markers in dioecious Hippophae rhamnoides L. (Elaeagnaceae). Biotechnol Lett.

Devi, K and Sharma, Madhu and Singh, M K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) In vitro cormlet production and growth evaluation under greenhouse conditions in saffron (Crocus sativus L.) – A commercially important crop. Eng. Life Sci., 11 (2). pp. 189-194.

Vats, S K and Kumar, Sanjay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) CO2 sequestration in plants: lesson from divergent strategies. PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 49 (4). pp. 481-496.

Mohanpuria, P and kumar, Vinay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Yadav , S K (2011) Agrobacterium-Mediated Silencing of Caffeine Synthesis through Root Transformation in Camellia sinensis L. Mol Biotechnol, 48. pp. 235-243.

Mohanpuria, P and kumar, Vinay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Yadav , S K (2011) Producing low-caffeine tea through post-transcriptional silencing of caffeine synthase mRNA. Plant Mol Biol, 76. pp. 523-534.

Mahajan, M and kumar, Vinay and Yadav , S K (2011) Effect of Flavonoid-mediated Free IAA Regulation on Growth and Development of in Vitro-Grown Tobacoo Seedlings. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology, 5 (1). pp. 42-48.

Guleria, Praveen and Kumar, Vineet and Yadav , S K (2011) Effect of sucrose on steviol glycoside biosynthesis pathway in stevia rebaudiana. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 10. pp. 401-407.

Guleria, Praveen and Mahajan, M and Bhardwaj, Jyoti and Yadav , S K (2011) Plant Small RNAs: Biogenesis, Mode of Action and Their Roles in Abiotic Stresses. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 9 (6). pp. 183-199.

Guleria, Praveen and Yadav , S K (2011) Identification of miR414 and Expression Analysis of Conserved miRNAs from Stevia rebaudiana. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 9 (6). pp. 211-217.

Sharma, Madhu and Kaul, Kiran and Kaur , Navtej and Singh, M K and Dhyani, D and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2013) Improving Crop Productivity in Sustainable Agriculture. Journal Improving Crop Productivity in Sustainable Agriculture, First edition, (Eds. N. Tuteja, S. Gill, R Tuteja), Wiley-VCH Verlag, GmBH & Co., KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. pp. 485-506.

Dutta, P and Reddy, Eswara SG and Borthakur, B. K. (2013) EFFECT OF NEEM KERNAL AQUEOUS EXTRACT (NKAE) IN TEA MOSQUITO BUG HELOPELTIS THEIVORA (WATERHOUSE, 1886) (HETEROPTERA: MIRIDAE). Journal of Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol., 8 (1). pp. 213-218.

Mohanpuria, P and Yadav , S K (2012) Characterization of novel small RNAs from tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Mol Biol Rep, 39. pp. 3977-3986.

kumar, Vinay and Gill, T and Grover, Sunita and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Yadav , S K (2012) Influence of Human Lactoferrin Expression on Iron Homeostasis, Flavonoids, and Antioxidants in Transgenic Tobacco. Mol Biotechnol.

Kumar, Rakesh and Bhandari, P and Singh , Bikram and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2012) Evaluation of Picrorhiza kurrooa accessions for growth and quality in north western Himalayas. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 6 (13). pp. 2660-2665.

Gupta, Mamta and Bisht, Shashi and Singh , Bikram and Gulati, Arvind and Tewari, R (2011) Enhanced biomass and steviol glycosides in Stevia rebaudiana treated with phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and rock phosphate. Plant Growth Regul, 65. pp. 449-457.

Rahi, P and Kapoor, Riti and Young, J.P.W. and Gulati, Arvind (2012) A genetic discontinuity in root-nodulating bacteria of cultivated pea in the Indian trans-Himalayas. Molecular Ecology, 21. pp. 145-159.

S, Rajkumar and Singh , S K and Nag, A and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) Genetic Structure of Indian Valerian (Valeriana jatamansi) Populations in Western Himalaya Revealed by AFLP. Biochemical Genetics, 49. pp. 674-681.

Sharma, U and Kumar , Neeraj and Singh , Bikram and R K, Munshi (2011) Immunomodulatory active steroidal saponins from Asparagus racemosus. Medicinal Chemistry Research.

Kaur, P and Chaudhary, A and Singh , Bikram and Chand, Gopi (2011) Simultaneous Quantification of Flavonoids and Biflavonoids in Ginkgo biloba Using RP-HPTLC Densitometry Method. Journal of planar Chromatography, 24 (6). pp. 507-512.

Kumar, Anil and Palni, LMS and Sood, A (2011) Factors affecting in vitro formation of cormlets in Gladiolus hybridus Hort. and their field performance. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33. pp. 509-515.

Zaim, M and Kumar, Y and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2011) Application of betaine improves solution uptake and in vitro shoot multiplication in tea. Virus Genus, 43 (1). pp. 138-146.

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----, --- BIORESOURCE Awareness Regeneration Management Sustainable Use. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

----, ---- दमस्क गुलाब (रोजा डेमेसिना) की सगन्ध उत्पादों के लिये खेती. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

---, -- गेंदा पुष्प उत्पादन की तकनीक एवं आय. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - जरबेरा पुष्प उत्पादन की तकनीक. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.


-, - गुलदाउदी की व्यावसायिक खेती की तकनीक. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.



-, - लिलियम की खेती की तकनीक, आर्थिक विवरण एवं रखरखाव. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - पशिचमी हिमालय कि पहाड़ियों में रजनीगंधा कि खेती. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - Release of Two Varieties of DAMASK ROSE Rosa damascena Mill.). Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - हिमालय क्षेत्रों में लैवेन्डर की जैविक खेती. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - हिमहल्दी करकुमा एरोमेटिका की एक प्रजाति. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - हिमकचरी हिडीचियम स्पाइकेटम की एक प्रजाति. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - हिमसुरभ (ड्रेकोसिफैलम हेट्रोफिल्म): सगंध फसल. Technical Report. -.

-, - हिमबाला वेलेरियाना जटामांसी की एक प्रगति. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - बाँस : ग्रामीण विकास का आधार. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - मधुरगुणा (स्टीविया रेबॉडियाना). Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - Mini Essential Oil Distillation Apparatus. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - Portable Bio-safe Cabinet For Field Use. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.


-, - REJUVENATION OF TEA GARDEN उजाड़ चाय बागान का जीर्णोद्वार. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - TEA PLUCKING चाय की तुड़ाई. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - गुणवत्ता चाय फसल का उत्पादन PRODUCTION OF QUALITY TEA CROP. Technical Report. CSIR - IHBT.

-, - TEA WINE. Technical Report. -.

-, - READY TO DRINK TEAS. Technical Report. -.

-, -- THEAFLAVINS. Technical Report. -.

-, - गुणवत्ता चाय फसल का उत्पादन. Technical Report. -.

-, - लाहौल में लिलियम पुष्प उत्पादन की तकनीक. Technical Report. ---.

-, - HIM SPHURTI (CSIR-IHBT-T-01) A cultivar of china hybrid tea (Camellia sinensis). Technical Report. -------.

-, - सेब, आलूबुखारा एवं चेरी के फलों के विषाणु और वायरायड रोगों का प्रबन्धन Management of Viral and Viroid Diseases in Apple, Plum and Cherry Fruits. Technical Report. -------.

-, -- गुलाब की व्यावसायिक खेती की तकनीक. Technical Report. -.

-, - चाय की तुड़ाई. Technical Report. -.


-, - Tea Development. Technical Report. -------.





Sharma, Akriti (2011) Epigenetic pattern of a drought sensitive and a resistant variety of Horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Chahal, Harpreet Kaur (2009) Analysis of Pesticide Using Gas Chromatography (GC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC) and Analysis of Heavy Metals Using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer(AAS). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Kaur, Simerpreet (2009) Analysis of pesticide residue using Gas Chromatography (GC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and analysis of heavy metals using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Narang, Aruna (2010) Selection of Antagonistic and Fusaric Acid Tolerant Trichoderma species. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Chaudhary, Ashun (2007) Molecular characterization of a Apple stem grooving virus infecting Apple. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Kaur, Navdeep Diversity Analysis and Characterization of Free-living Diazotrophs from Rhizosphere of Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.


Kumar, Manish (2008) Plant Diversity Exploration of Kangra-Fort, Himachal Pradesh. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.



Goyal, Ritika (2009) Analysis of transgenic Crops. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.


kaur, Gurwant (2010) Standardization of Micropropagation Protocol for Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

-, Shrutika (2010) Regeneration of plantlets from leaf explants of Gerbera jamsonii. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Bajwa , Kanika (2010) Comparison of the heterologous expression of Apple stem Grooming virus coat protein gene in different expression vectors. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Kaur, Jan Naseer (2007) Molecular characterization of plant pathogenic and biocontrol microbes. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Dhamanodiya , Ashish (2008) Proteomics assisted functional genomic studies. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Gahlan, Prashant (2006) Molecular Detection of Cucumber Mosaic Virus infecting Valeriana jatamansi. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Cheema, Ishwinder (2010) Cold Stress Analysis of A.thaliana plant overexpressing PaSOD. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Garg , Jaspal (2009) Cold Stress Analysis of Arabidopsis Transgenic Plants with Two Genes. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

-, Priya (2011) Approaches for Management of Serious Plant Pathogens. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Sapra, Sameer (2008) Isolation and characterization of Mentha waste product and structural modification of longifolene. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Aggarwal , Poonam (2008) Molecular Techniques involved in Genomics and Proteomics. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.


Kaur, Rajbir (2007) Selection of Fluorescent Pseudomonads with Multiple Plant Growth Promoting Attributes from Tea Rhizosphere (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.


Agarwal , Madhuri (2011) In vitro Culture Initiation of Chrysanthemum Cvs. Discovery. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Bhardwaj, Garima and luthra, Ishana and kaur, jugwinder and Kalra, Amita and Ahuja, Kirti and Bhangalia, Swati and Ishita, Sood and Sambyal Singh, Swati and Parmar, Mudita and Dhiman, Anish and Mahajan, Sagreeka and Pratibha, Rialch and Sharma, Pratibha and Goel, Himanshu and Gupta, Kashika and Chhabra, Hitesh and Cheema, Ishwinder and Kumar Singh, Anil and Singh, Kanwaljit and Bedi, Jaskiran and Sharma, Akriti (2008) Techniques in Plant tissue culture, viral diagnostics, molecular characterization, proteomics, genomics and metabolomics, chromatography and spectrophotometry, fermentation & microbial techniques. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Garg, Jaffy and Singh, Vikram and Sharma, Anukriti and Khosa, Sugandhika and Sharma, Kritika and Kango, Ashima and kaur , Tavleen and -, Karishma and -, Aditya and -, Aakash and -, Ankur and Rashid , Fahad and Singh , Abhayjit and Abrol , Palki and Changotra , Rahil and Choudhary , Smriti (2009) Capsule Programme for Undergraduate programme. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.


CSIR-IHBT (2002) Identification of anti-viral activity of Tagetes minuta oil and its components. 09/765,075 (6,444,458).

csir,ihbt (2003) An efficient new method for protoplast culture. 09/820,556 (6,569,680).

csir, ihbt (2004) A process for production of herbal wine (Palam Belle) from ripe fruits of Pyrus pashia. 10/105,873 (6,793,957).

csir, ihbt (2010) Cloning of 3 novel genes modulated under drought stress conditions in tea (Camellia sinensis L. (O.) Kuntze). 11/430,519 (7,718,788).

csir, ihbt (2003) A convenient and versatile, compact portable light weight, low power consuming sterile laminar air flow system. 09/844,603 (6,623,538).

csir, ihbt (2009) Caffeine fraction obtained from tea leaves and a method for inducing Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation in plants using said caffeine fraction. 10/396,5937 (7,608,288).

csir, ihbt (2003) A process for the preparation of pharmacologically active alpha-asarone from toxic beta-asarone rich Acorus calamus oil via intermediated 2,4,5-trimethoxy phenyl propene. 10/107,844 (6,590,127).

csir, ihbt (2006) Use of tea leaf extract as a potent bactericidal agent for Agrobacterium tumefacienns mediated genetic transformations. 10/106,528 (7,145,058).

csir, thbt (2003) Method for producing chiral dihydrotagetone and its conversion to chiral 5-isobutyl-3-methyl-4,5-dihydro-2(3H)-furanone. 09/815/335 (6,579,992).

csir, ihbt (2006) Microwave induced process for the preparation of substituted 4-vinyl phenols. 10/383,253 (6,989,467).

csir, ihbt (2002) Species specific DNA sequences and their utilization in identification of viola species and authentication of "banafsha" by polymerase chain reaction. 09/698,283.

csir, ihbt (2010) Development of diagnostic kit for the detection of chrysanthemum virus B. 12/191,862 (7,803,526).

csir, ihbt (2010) A green process for the preparation of substituted cinnamic esters with trans-selectivity. 11/728,721 (7,741,508).

csir, ihbt (2003) Microwave assisted rapid and economic process for the preparation of substituted phenylaldehydes from trans and cis-phenylpropenes: A commercial utilisation of toxic cis-isomer. 09/823,123 (6,544,390).

csir, ihbt (2002) The introduction of dihydrotagetone (3,7-dimethyl, 5-one, 1-octene) present in Tagetes minuta essential oil as perfumery and flavour material and chemical modification of dihydrotagetone into new value added perfumery and flavouring molecules. 09/983,544.

csir, ihbt (2011) Caffeine fraction obtained from tea leaves and a method for inducing Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation in plants using said caffeine fraction. 12/568,502 (7,879,371).

csir, ihbt (2004) Method for producing chiral dihydrotagetone and its conversion to chiral 5-isobutyl-3-methyl-4,5-dihydro-2(3H)-furanone. 10/449,098 (6,833,475).

CSIR-IHBT (2003) Cute Munni. 09/815444 PP13591.

CSIR-IHBT (2003) Tushar Mauli. 09/815,396.


csir, ihbt (2005) DDQ mediated one step dimerisation of dihydro product of toxic beta-asarone rich Acorus calamus oil towards formation of novel neolignan: 3-ethyl-2-methyl-3-(2",4",5"-trimethoxy)-phenyl-1-(2',4',5'-trimethoxy)-phenyl-1-propene. 10/660,556.

csir, ihbt (2005) Species specific DNA sequences and their utilization in identification of viola species and authentication of "banafsha" by polymerase chain reaction. 10/232,566 (6,924,127).

csir,ihbt (2003) One step process for preparation of substituted trans-cinnamaldehyde, a natural yellow dye from phenylpropane derivatives. 09/805,882 (65,66,557).

csir, ihbt (2003) An efficient method for micropropagation of tea (Camellia sinensis) plants using leaf explants. 09/813,101(6,599,743).

csir, ihbt (2011) Superoxide dismutase (SOD) gene and a method of identifying and cloning thereof. 12/315,301(7888088).

csir, ihbt (2004) Identification of anti-viral activity of Tagetes minuta oil and its components. 10/101,301 (PP14,979).

csir, ihbt (2006) A novel isozyme of autoclavable superoxide dismutage (SOD)-a process for the identification and extraction of the SOD and use of the SOD in cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical compositions. 09/617,118.



csir, ihbt (2008) AN IMPROVED DEVICE FOR ACCLIMATIZATION. 279/DEL/1999 (215721).


csir, ihbt (2007) A process for the preparation of nolignan 3- ethyl-2-methyl-3- (2",4",5"-trimethoxy) phenyl-1-(2',4',5'-trimethoxy) phenyl-1-propene. 383/DEL/2007 (199807).



11/265883 (2010) Gel processing and transfer device. 7749369.

CSIR-IHBT (2010) Microwave Induced One Pot Process for The Preaparation of Arylethenes. 7759527.

CSIR-IHBT (2002) Gladiolus Hybrid Plant Named 'PALAMPUR QUEEN'. 09/815,605 (PP13418).

CSIR-IHBT (2003) Method for producing chiral dihydrotagetone and its conversion to chiral 5-isobutyl-3-methyl-4,5-dihydro-2(3H)-furanone. 09/815,335 (6579992).

CSIR-IHBT (2006) Microwave induced process for the preparation of substituted 4-vinyl phenols. 10/383,253 (6989467).

CSIR-IHBT (2010) Microwave induced one pot process for the preparation of arylethenes. (11/691,896) 7759527.

csir, ihbt (2005) A simple, convenient portable Mini distillation apparatus for the production of essential oils and hydroids. 09/815, 967 (6,911,119).

CSIR-IHBT (2004) A process for production of herbal wine (Palam Belle) from ripe fruits of Pyrus pashia. 10/105,873 (6793957).

CSIR-IHBT (2003) Species specific genomic DNA sequence for identification of Anacardium occidantale and the method for its utilization in detection of cashew husk in made tea samples. 6541624 B1.

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