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Number of items: 121.

Chand, Gopi and Singh, R D (2011) Growth and Biomass Production of Selected Fuel wood Tree Species in mid hill of Western Himalaya in India. Journal of Reprinted form The Indian Forester, 137. pp. 615-628.

Sharma, Akriti (2011) Epigenetic pattern of a drought sensitive and a resistant variety of Horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Sharma, Bharti (2011) CHARACTERIZATION OF PROMOTER TRAP LINES IN Arabidopsis thaliana (L). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Rajput, Shabnam (2011) Molecular characterisation of transgenic tea Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Rasool, Sheezan (2011) To study the performance of transgenic plants (Nicotiana benthamiana) expressing stress related gene (MYB). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Sharma, Dimple (2011) Isolation characterization and pharmacological investigation of secondary metabolites from Asparagus racemosus growing in Western Himalayan Region. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Sharma , N and Sharma, U K and Salwan, R and Kasana , Ramesh C and Sinha, Arun K (2011) A Synergic Blend of Newly Isolated Pseudomonas mandelii KJLPB5 and [hmim]Br for Chemoselective 2 degree Aryl Alcohol Oxidation in H2O2: Synthesis of Aryl Ketone or Aldehydes via Sequential Dehydration-Oxidative C=C Cleavage. Catal Lett, 141. pp. 616-622.

-, Shivani (2011) Polyphasic Characterization of Thermophilic Bacteria from Hot Water Springs of the North-Western Himalayas. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Chand, Gopi and Singh, R D and Meena, RL and Lal, Brij (2011) Effect of plant growth regulators on sprouting biomass production of Tylophora asthmatica L. in mid hills of Himalaya. Journal of The Indian Forester, 137. pp. 255-260.

Chawla , Sakshi (2011) Diagonostic Techniques for Plant Virus. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Singh , Shipra (2011) Expression and Purification of Recombinant Superoxide Dismutase. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

ARYA, VIKRANT (2011) Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Investigation of Crataegus oxyacantha Linn. Fruits. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Dass , Suchismita (2011) Cloning of genes encoding cytochrome p450 group of enzymes from Picrorhiza Kurrooa. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Devi , Arti (2011) isolation, preservation and screening for cellulase production of bacterial isolates. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Gupta, Ashray (2011) Extraction of Volatiles from Lavandula angustifolia using Conventional and Modern Techniques. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Gupta , Ashray (2011) Extraction of Volatiles from Lavandula angustifolia using Conventional and Modern Techniques. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Yesudasan , Teddy S (2011) Heterologous Expression, Purification and Characterization of Superoxide Dismutase. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Sidhu , Navkiran (2011) Biotechnological Improvement and Conservation of Economically Improvements Crops. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Goyal , Upasana (2011) Regeneration and Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation in Picrorhiza Kurroa Royle ex Benth. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Bhatia, A and Arora, S and Singh , Bikram and Kaur, G and Nagpal, A (2011) Anticancer potential of Himalayan plants. Phytochemistry Review, 10. pp. 309-323.

Rana, T and Chandel, V and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi, A A (2011) Expression of recombinant Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus coat protein in heterologous system: production and use in immunodiagnosis. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 20. pp. 138-141.

Shanmugam , V and Kanoujia, N (2011) Biological management of vascular wilt of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycospersici by plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial mixture. Bio Control, 57. pp. 85-93.

Shanmugam, V and Kanoujia, N and Singh, M K and Singh, S and Prasad , R (2011) Biocontrol of vascular wilt and corm rot of gladiolus caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli using plant growth promoting rhizobacterial mixture. Crop Protection, 30. pp. 807-813.

Shanmugam, V and Verma, R and S, Rajkumar and Naruka , D S (2011) Bacterial diversity and soil enzyme activity in diseased and disease free apple rhizosphere soils. Annals of Microbiology, 61. pp. 767-772.

Singh, L and Hallan, Vipin and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A (2011) Expression of recombinant Chrysanthemum virus B coat protein for raising polyclonal antisera. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 20. pp. 96-101.

Kaur, R and Sharma, U and Singh , Bikram and Arora, S (2011) Antimutagenic and Antioxidant Characteristics of Chukrasia tabularis A Juss Extracts. International Journal of Toxicology, 30 (1). pp. 21-34.

Yadav, S C and Kumari, A and Yadav, R (2011) Development of peptide and protein nanotherapeutics by nanoencapsulation and nanobioconjugation. Peptides, 32 (1). pp. 173-187.

Singh, S and Dhyani, D and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) Apomixis in plants-embryology,genetics and molecular basis. Journal of Cell and Plant Sciences, 2. pp. 24-31.

Singh , D and Singh , Bikram and Goel, R K (2011) Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Ficus religiosa: A review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 134. pp. 565-583.

Kasana , Ramesh C and Gulati, Arvind (2011) Cellulases from psychrophilic microorganisms: a review. Journal of Basic Microbiology. pp. 572-579.

Kasana , Ramesh C (2011) Cold-environment metagenomics for discovering novel microorganisms and enzymes. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5 (26). pp. 4449-4454.

Sharma, U K and Sharma , N and Salwan, R and Kumar, R and Sinha, Arun K and Kasana , Ramesh C (2011) Efficient synthesis of hydroxystyrenes via biocatalytic decarboxylation/deacetylation of substituted cinnamic acids by newly isolated Pantoea agglomerans strains. Journal of Science Food Agriculture.

Kasana , Ramesh C and Salwan, R and Yadav , S K (2011) Microbial proteases: Detection, production, and genetic improvement. Critical Reviews in Microbiology , 37 (3). pp. 262-267.

Uniyal, S K and Kumar, Amit (2011) Charcoal making: going green with black. Current Science, 100 (1). p. 9.

Bhondekar, Amol P and Gulati, Ashu and Singla, Madan L. and Kapur, Pawan and Vig, Renu (2011) Performance Evaluation of a Novel iTongue for Indian Black Tea Discrimination. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 11 (12). pp. 3462-3468.

Rani, A and Vats, S K and Sharma, Madhu and Kumar, Sanjay (2011) Catechin promotes growth of Arabidopsis thaliana with concomitant changes in vascular system, photosynthesis and hormone content. Biologia Plantarum, 55 (4). pp. 779-782.

Lakshmi, Vijay and Hallan, Vipin and Raja, Ram and Ahmed, N and Zaidi , A A (2011) Diversity of Apple mosaic virus Isolates in India Based on Coat Protein and Movement Protein Genes. Indian Journal of Virol, 22 (1). pp. 44-49.

Rana, Ajay and Dhyani, D and Gulati, Ashu and Singh, H P (2011) Isolation of two major iridoid glucosides from Incarvillea emodi. Natural Product Research, 25 (10). pp. 1014-1017.

Paul , A and Kumar, Sanjay (2011) Responses to winter dormancy, temperature, and plant hormones share gene networks. Functional and Integrative Genomics., 11. pp. 659-664.

Kaur, R and Singh , Bikram and Arora, S (2011) Amelioration of oxidative damage by Methyl gallate in different in vitro models. Phytopharmacology, 1 (4). pp. 82-94.

Kumar, Amit and Chawla, Amit and S, Rajkumar (2011) Characterization of Solang valley watershed in western Himalaya for bio-resource conservation using remote sensing techniques. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , 179. pp. 469-478.

Kumari, Alka and Pakade, Yogesh B and Chand, Piar and Lal, Brij (2011) ASSESSMENT OF BIOACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METAL BY PTERIS VITTATA L. GROWING IN THE VICINITY OF FLY ASH. Planta Medica, 13. pp. 779-787.

Kumar, Anil and Palni, LMS and Sood, A (2011) Factors affecting in vitro formation of cormlets in Gladiolus hybridus Hort. and their field performance. Acta. Physiol Plant, 33. pp. 509-515.

Prakash , Om and Singh , K K and Sood, A (2011) Methods of bamboo preservation and effect of CCA in green round Bamboo. Journal of Indian Forester, 137 (1). pp. 99-104.

Bhardwaj, P K and Kaur, J and Sobit, R C and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Kumar, Sanjay (2011) Lipoxygenase in Caragana jubata responds to low temperature, abscisic acid, methyl jasmonate and salicylic acid. Gene, 483. pp. 49-53.

Uniyal, S K and Sharma, V and Jamwal, P (2011) Folk Medicinal Practices in Kangra District of Himachal Pradesh, Western Himalaya. Journal of Human Ecology, 39. pp. 479-488.

Kaur, P and Das, Pralay and Chaudhary, A and Singh , Bikram (2011) Amine and thiazole substituted !-butyrolactones from naturally occurring limonene. Journal of Chemistry, 89. pp. 639-644.

Kumar, R and Sharma , S and Singh , Bikram (2011) Evaluation of Transplanting Time Effect on Characteristic Growth, Essential Oil and its Composition in Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea L.) in North-Western Himalayas. Journal of Essential oil Bearing Plants , 14 (3). pp. 260-265.

Singh , D and Singh , Bikram and Goel, R K (2011) Hydroethanolic leaf extract of Ficus religiosa lacks anticonvulsant activity in acute electro and chemo convulsion mice models. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results., 2 (2). pp. 58-61.

Singh, L and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2011) Intermolecular Interactions of Chrysanthemum virus B Coat Protein: Implications for Capsid Assembly. Indian Journal of Virol, 22 (2). pp. 111-116.

Kaur, R and Sharma , U and Singh , Bikram and Arora, S (2011) Antimutagenic potential of chickrassy (Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss.) bark. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5 (20). pp. 5021-5033.

Singh , N A and Shanmugam, V (2011) Cloning and characterization of a bifunctional glycosyl hydrolase from an antagonistic Pseudomonas putida strain P3(4). Journal of Basic Microbiology , 51. pp. 1-10.

Chaudhary, A and Sharma, P and Nadda , Gireesh and Tewary, D K and Singh , Bikram (2011) Chemical composition and larvicidal activities of the Himalayan cedar, Cedrus deodara essential oil and its fractions against the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. Journal of Insect Science:, 11. pp. 1-10.

Sharma, V and Shanmugam, V (2011) Purification and characterization of an extracellular 24 kDa chitobiosidase from the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma saturnisporum. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 51. pp. 1-8.

Chorell, E and Bentsson, C and Banchelin, Thomas Sainte-Luce and Das, Pralay and Uvell, H and Sinha, Arun K and Pinkner, Jerome S. and Hultgren, Scott J. and Almqvis, Fredrik (2011) Synthesis and application of a bromomethyl substituted scaffold to be used for efficient optimization of anti-virulence activity. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 46. pp. 1103-1116.

Kaur, P and Chaudhary, A and Singh , Bikram and Chand, Gopi (2011) Simultaneous Quantification of Flavonoids and Biflavonoids in Ginkgo biloba Using RP-HPTLC Densitometry Method. Journal of Planar Chromatography, 24 (6). pp. 507-512.

Kumar, Ravi and Sharma, Nandini and Malik, Sonia and Bhushan, Shashi and Sharma , U K and Kumari, Devla and Sinha, Arun K and Sharma, Madhu and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) Cell suspension culture of Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnston – A potential source of naphthoquinone pigments. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5 (25). pp. 6048-6054.

Gulati, Arvind and Atri, N S and Sharma, S K and Sharma, B M (2011) Nutrional studies on five wild Lentinus species from North-West India. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 140-145.

Sharma, Anupma and Bhondekar, Amol P and Bari, S S and Gulati, Ashu and Kapur, Pawan and Singla, M L (2011) DEVELOPMENT AND OPTIMIZATION OF AN HPLC METHOD FOR THE ROUTINE ANALYSIS OF CATECHINS, CAFFEINE, AND GALLIC ACID IN TEA (CAMELLIA SINENSIS). Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies,, 34. pp. 2243-2255.

Shanmugam, V and Dhyani, D and Ananthapadmanaban, D (2011) First report of Alternaria sp. causing blight on Incarvillea emodi. Australasian Plant Dis. Notes, 6. pp. 33-35.

Mishra, Arti and Taneja, Neelam and Sharma, R K and Kumar, Rahul and Sharma, Naresh C and Sharma, Meera (2011) Amplified fragment length polymorphism of clinical and environmental Vibrio cholerae from a freshwater environment in a cholera-endemic area, India. Mishra et al. BMC Infectious Diseases, 11. pp. 2-9.

Devi, K and Sharma, Madhu and Singh, M K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) In vitro cormlet production and growth evaluation under greenhouse conditions in saffron (Crocus sativus L.) – A commercially important crop. Eng. Life Sci., 11 (2). pp. 189-194.

Vats, S K and Kumar, Sanjay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) CO2 sequestration in plants: lesson from divergent strategies. PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 49 (4). pp. 481-496.

Mohanpuria, P and kumar, Vinay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Yadav , S K (2011) Agrobacterium-Mediated Silencing of Caffeine Synthesis through Root Transformation in Camellia sinensis L. Mol Biotechnol, 48. pp. 235-243.

Mohanpuria, P and kumar, Vinay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Yadav , S K (2011) Producing low-caffeine tea through post-transcriptional silencing of caffeine synthase mRNA. Plant Mol Biol, 76. pp. 523-534.

Mahajan, M and kumar, Vinay and Yadav , S K (2011) Effect of Flavonoid-mediated Free IAA Regulation on Growth and Development of in Vitro-Grown Tobacoo Seedlings. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology, 5 (1). pp. 42-48.

Guleria, Praveen and Kumar, Vineet and Yadav , S K (2011) Effect of sucrose on steviol glycoside biosynthesis pathway in stevia rebaudiana. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 10. pp. 401-407.

Guleria, Praveen and Mahajan, M and Bhardwaj, Jyoti and Yadav , S K (2011) Plant Small RNAs: Biogenesis, Mode of Action and Their Roles in Abiotic Stresses. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 9 (6). pp. 183-199.

Guleria, Praveen and Yadav , S K (2011) Identification of miR414 and Expression Analysis of Conserved miRNAs from Stevia rebaudiana. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 9 (6). pp. 211-217.

Gupta, Mamta and Bisht, Shashi and Singh , Bikram and Gulati, Arvind and Tewari, R (2011) Enhanced biomass and steviol glycosides in Stevia rebaudiana treated with phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and rock phosphate. Plant Growth Regul, 65. pp. 449-457.

S, Rajkumar and Singh , S K and Nag, A and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) Genetic Structure of Indian Valerian (Valeriana jatamansi) Populations in Western Himalaya Revealed by AFLP. Biochemical Genetics, 49. pp. 674-681.

Sharma, U and Kumar , Neeraj and Singh , Bikram and R K, Munshi (2011) Immunomodulatory active steroidal saponins from Asparagus racemosus. Medicinal Chemistry Research.

Kaur, P and Chaudhary, A and Singh , Bikram and Chand, Gopi (2011) Simultaneous Quantification of Flavonoids and Biflavonoids in Ginkgo biloba Using RP-HPTLC Densitometry Method. Journal of planar Chromatography, 24 (6). pp. 507-512.

Kumar, Anil and Palni, LMS and Sood, A (2011) Factors affecting in vitro formation of cormlets in Gladiolus hybridus Hort. and their field performance. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33. pp. 509-515.

Zaim, M and Kumar, Y and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2011) Application of betaine improves solution uptake and in vitro shoot multiplication in tea. Virus Genus, 43 (1). pp. 138-146.

Zaim , M and Kumar , Y and Hallan , Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2011) Velvet bean severe mosaic virus: a distinct begomovirus species causing severe mosaic in Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Virus Genes, 43 (1). pp. 138-146.

Jha, Gopaljee and Mehra, A and Shanker, R (2011) The regulatory epicenter of miRNAs. Journal of Biosciences, 36 (4). pp. 621-638.

Kumar, Y and Hallan, Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2011) Chilli leaf curl Palampur virus is a distinct begomovirus species associated with a betasatellite. Plant Pathology, 60 (6). pp. 1040-1047.

Jha, Gopaljee and Shankar, R (2011) Employing machine learning for reliable miRNA target identification in plants. BMC Genomics, 12. p. 636.

csir, ihbt (2011) Caffeine fraction obtained from tea leaves and a method for inducing Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation in plants using said caffeine fraction. 12/568,502 (7,879,371).

csir, ihbt (2011) Superoxide dismutase (SOD) gene and a method of identifying and cloning thereof. 12/315,301(7888088).

-, Priya (2011) Approaches for Management of Serious Plant Pathogens. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.


---, Bandna and Das, Pralay and Aggarwal, Nidhi (2011) Solid-supported Pd(0): an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohols into aldehydes and ketones. Tetrahedron Letters, 52. pp. 4954-4956.

Gupta, Mamta and Rahi , P and Pathania , V and Gulati, Arvind and Singh , Bikram and Bhanwara, R K and Tewari, R (2011) Comparative efficiency of phosphate solubilizing bacteria under greenhouse conditions for promoting growth and aloin- A content of Aloe barbadensis. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science . pp. 1-13.

Agarwal , Madhuri (2011) In vitro Culture Initiation of Chrysanthemum Cvs. Discovery. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Bafana, A and Dutt, Som and Kumar, Amit and Kumar, Sanjay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) The basic and applied aspects of superoxide dismutase. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B:Enzymatic, 68. pp. 129-138.

Chand, P and Sharma, R and Prasad, R and Sud, R K and Pakade, Yogesh B (2011) Determination of Essential & Toxic Metals and Its Transversal Pattern from Soil to Tea Brew. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2. pp. 1160-1165.

Das, Pralay and Sharma, D and Shil, Arun K and Kumari, A (2011) Solid-supported palladium nano and microparticles: an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for ligand-free Suzuki–Miyaura cross coupling reaction. Tetrahedron Letters, 52. pp. 1176-1178. ISSN

Gahlan, Parul and Singh, H R and Shankar, R and Sharma, N and Kumari, A and Chawla, V and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Kumar, Sanjay (2011) De novo sequencing and characterization of Picrorhiza kurrooa transcriptome at two temperatures showed major transcriptome adjustments. BMC Genomics, 12. p. 636.

Ghawana, S and Paul, A and Kumar, Hitesh and Kumar, A and Singh, H and Bhardwaj , P K and Rani, A and Singh, R S and Raizada, J and Singh, K and Kumar , Sanjay (2011) An RNA isolation system for plant tissues rich in secondary metabolites. BMC Research Notes, 4. p. 85.

Guleria, S and Jaitak, V and Saini, R and Kaul , V K and Lal, Brij and G D, Kiran Babu and Singh , Bikram and Singh, R D (2011) Comparative studies of volatile oil composition of Rhododendron anthopogon by hydrodistillation, supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and head space analysis. Natural Product Research, 25 (13). pp. 1271-1277.

Jaitak, V and ---, Bandna and Das, Pralay and Kaul , V K and Singh , Bikram and Kumar, Neeraj (2011) One-Pot Multicomponent Michael and Thorpe-Ziegler Reaction of Aryl Methyl Ketones. Journal of Synthetic Communications, 41. pp. 2727-2737.

Kaul, Kiran and Jaitak, V and Kaul , V K (2011) Pharmaceutical uses and conservation measures of Potentilla fugens: A medicinal herb of higher Himalaya. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resurces, 2 (3). pp. 298-306.

Kumar, Vishal and Sharma, U and Kumar, P and Kumar, Neeraj and Singh , Bikram (2011) Silica-Supported Boric Acid with Ionic Liquid: A Novel Recyclable Catalytic System for One-Pot Three-Component Mannich Reaction. Journal of Chemistry.Pharm.Bull, 59 (5). pp. 639-645.

Kumar , R and Sharma, N and Sharma, N and Sharma, A and Sinha, Arun K (2011) Metal-free activation of H2O2 by synergic effect of ionic liquid and microwave: chemoselective oxidation of benzylic alcohols to carbonyls and unexpected formation of anthraquinone in aqueous condition. Molecular Diversity, 15. pp. 687-695.

Kumar , R and Sharma , P and Shard , A and Tewary, D K and Nadda , Gireesh and Sinha, Arun K (2011) Chalcones as promising pesticidal agents against diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella): microwave-assisted synthesis and structure-activity relationship. Medicinal Chemistry Research.

Kumari, A and Yadav , S K (2011) Cellular interactions of therapeutically delivered nanoparticles. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 8. pp. 141-151.

Kumari, A and Yadav , S K and Pakade, Yogesh B and Kumar, Vineet and Singh , Bikram and Chaudhary, A and Yadav, S C (2011) Nanoencapsulation and characterization of Albizia chinensis isolated antioxidant quercitrin on PLA nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces , 82. pp. 224-232.

Lakshmi, Vijay and Hallan, Vipin and Raja, Ram and Ahmed, N and Zaidi , A A and Varma, A (2011) Diversity of Apple mosaic virus Isolates in India Based on Coat Protein and Movement Protein Genes. Indian J. Virol., 22 (1). pp. 44-49.

Mann, T S and G D, Kiran Babu and Guleria, S and Singh , Bikram (2011) Production of Eucalyptus cinerea Essential Oils Produced by hydrodistillation and supercritical carbon dioxide extraction techniques:A comparative study. Natural Product Communications, 6 (1). pp. 107-110.

Nadha , Harleen kaur and Kumar, Rahul and Sharma, R K and Anand, Manju and Sood, A (2011) Evaluation of clonal fidelity of in vitro raised plants of Guadua angustifolia Kunth using DNA-based markers. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5 (23). pp. 5636-5641.

Rattan, R S and Hadapad, A B and Reineke , A and Gupta, P R and Zebitz, C P W (2011) Molecular evidence for the presence of the endosymbiontic bacteria Wolbachia in Cotesia populations (Hymenoptera: Braconidae. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomolgy, 14 (2). pp. 183-185.

Sandal, I and Bhattacharya, Amita and Saini, U and Kaur, D and Sharma , S and Gulati, Ashu and Kumar, J K and Kumar, Neeraj and Dayma, Joytsna and Das, Pralay and Singh , Bikram and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) Chemical modification of L-glutamine to alpha-amino glutarimide on autoclaving facilitates Agrobacterium infection of host and non-host plants: A new use of a known compound. Chemical Biology, 11. pp. 1-13.

Seth, C S and Misra, V and Singh , R R and Zolla, L (2011) EDTA-enhanced lead phytoremediation in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hydroponic culture. Plant and Soil, 347 (1-2). pp. 231-242.

Shanmugam, V and Atri, Kamini and Gupta, Samriti and Kanoujia, N and Naruka Singh, Digvijay (2011) Selection and differentiation of Bacillus spp. Antagonistic to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici and Alternaria solani infecting Tomato. Folia Microbiol, 56. pp. 170-177.

Sharma, N and Sharma , A and Shard, A and Kumar, R and ---, Saima and Sinha, Arun K (2011) Pd-Catalyzed Orthogonal Knoevenagel/Perkin Condensation– Decarboxylation–Heck/Suzuki Sequences: Tandem Transformations of Benzaldehydes into Hydroxy-Functionalized Antidiabetic Stilbene– Cinnamoyl Hybrids and Asymmetric Distyrylbenzenes. Chemistry A European Journal, 17 (10). pp. 350-356.

Sharma, U and Verma, P K and Kumar, Neeraj and Kumar, Vishal and Bala , M and Singh , Bikram (2011) Phosphane-Free Green Protocol for Selective Nitro Reduction with an Iron-Based Catalyst. Chemistry-A European Journal , 17. pp. 5903-5907.

Sharma, V and Joshi, Robin and Gulati, Ashu (2011) Seasonal clonal variations and effects of stresses on quality chemicals and prephenate dehydratase enzyme activity in tea (Camellia sinensis). European Food Research and Technology, 232. pp. 307-317.

Sharma , A and Sharma, N and Shard, A and Kumar, R and Mohanakrishan, Dinesh and ---, Saima and Sinha, Arun K and Sahal, D (2011) Tandem allylic oxidation–condensation/esterification catalyzed by silica gel: an expeditious approach towards antimalarial diaryldienones and enones from natural methoxylated phenylpropenes. Journal of Organic Biomolecular Chemistry, 9. pp. 5211-5219.

Sharma , H and Kumar, R and Sharma , V and Kumar , V and Bhardwaj, P and Ahuja , Paramvir Singh and Sharma, R K (2011) IDENTIFICATION AND CROSS-SPECIES TRANSFERABILITY OF 112 NOVEL UNIGENE-DERIVED MICROSATELLITE MARKERS IN TEA ( CAMELLIA SINENSIS ). American Journal of Botany, 98 (6). E-133-E-138.

Singh, D P and Khattar, J I S and Nadda, J and Singh , Y and Grag, A and Kaur, N and Gulati, Ashu (2011) Chlorpyrifos degradation by the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PUPCCC 64. Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 18. pp. 1351-1359.

Singh, S (2011) ECONOMICS OF MENTHA ARVENSIS OIL PRODUCTION IN PANTNAGAR AREA OF UTTRAKHAND. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 18 (3). pp. 187-190.

Singh, S and Singh , M K and Kumar, Sanjay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) Comparative Economic Analysis of Carnation and Capsicum Cultivation under Polyhouse in Himachal Pradesh. Agricultural Situation in India. pp. 617-624.

Singh, S and Singh , M K and Kumar, Sanjay (2011) An Economic Analysis of Gladiolus growing in Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture , 25. pp. 1-2.

Singh, S and Singh , Virendra (2011) ECONOMICS OF DAMASK ROSE PLANTATION IN PUNJAB STATE OF INDIA. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 18 (4). pp. 281-284.

Singh , H and Gahlan, Prashant and Dutt, Som and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Kumar , Sanjay (2011) Why uproot Picrorhiza kurrooa, an endangered medicinal herb? Current Science, 100. pp. 1055-1059.

Singh , S and Singh, Virendra (2011) ECONOMICS OF DAMASK ROSE PLANTATION IN PUN.JAB STATE OF INDIA. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products , 18 (4). pp. 281-284.

Sood, Priyanka and Bhattacharya, Amita and Sood, A (2011) Problems and possibilities of monocot transformation. Biologia Plantarum, 55 (1). pp. 1-15.

Uniyal , S K and Kumar, A (2011) Charcoal making:going green with black. Current Science, 100 (1). p. 9.

Yadav, A K and Singh, S and Dhyani, D and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2011) A review on the improvement of stevia [Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni)]. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 91 (1). pp. 1-27.

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