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NS, Ajit and Verma, Rajni and Shanmugam, V (2006) Extracellular Chitinases of Fluorescent Pseudomonads Antifungal to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi Causing Carnation Wilt. Current Mircobiology, 52 (4). pp. 310-316.

Salwan, R and Gulati, Arvind and Kasana , Ramesh C (2009) Phylogenetic diversity of alkaline protease-producing psychrotrophic bacteria from glacier and cold environments of Lahaul and Spiti, India. Journal of Basic Microbiology , 50 (2). pp. 150-159.

Kasana , Ramesh C and Gulati, Arvind (2011) Cellulases from psychrophilic microorganisms: a review. Journal of Basic Microbiology. pp. 572-579.

Sharma , N and Sharma, U K and Salwan, R and Kasana , Ramesh C and Sinha, Arun K (2011) A Synergic Blend of Newly Isolated Pseudomonas mandelii KJLPB5 and [hmim]Br for Chemoselective 2 degree Aryl Alcohol Oxidation in H2O2: Synthesis of Aryl Ketone or Aldehydes via Sequential Dehydration-Oxidative C=C Cleavage. Catal Lett, 141. pp. 616-622.

Rahi, P and Vyas, P and Sharma, S and Gulati, Ashu and Gulati, Arvind (2009) Plant growth promoting potential of the fungus Discosia sp. FIHB 571 from tea rhizosphere tested on chickpea, maize and pea. Indian Journal of Microbiology , 49 (2). pp. 128-133. ISSN 0046-8991

Shanmugam, V (2005) Role of extracytoplasmic leucine rich repeat proteins in plant defence mechanisms. Microbiological Research, 160. pp. 83-94.

Shanmugam , V and Kanoujia, N (2011) Biological management of vascular wilt of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycospersici by plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial mixture. Bio Control, 57. pp. 85-93.

Shanmugam, V and Kanoujia, N and Singh, M K and Singh, S and Prasad , R (2011) Biocontrol of vascular wilt and corm rot of gladiolus caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli using plant growth promoting rhizobacterial mixture. Crop Protection, 30. pp. 807-813.

Shanmugam, V and Verma, R and S, Rajkumar and Naruka , D S (2011) Bacterial diversity and soil enzyme activity in diseased and disease free apple rhizosphere soils. Annals of Microbiology, 61. pp. 767-772.

Kasana , Ramesh C (2010) Proteases from Psychrotrophs: An Overview. Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 36 (2). pp. 134-45.

Vaidya, Manita and Shanmugam, V and Gulati, Arvind (2004) Evaluation of Bio-Control Agents Against Fusarium Isolates Infecting Carnation, Gladiolus. Annals of Plant Proection Sciences, 12 (2). pp. 314-320.

Sandal, I and Saini, U and Bhattacharya, Amita and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh and Lacroix, B and Citovsky, V (2007) Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of tea leaf explants: effects of counteracting bactericidity of leaf polyphenols without loss of bacterial virulence. Plant Cell Reports, 26 (2). pp. 169-176.

Upadhyay, R C and Kaur, Amandeep and Gulati, Arvind (2008) New record and taxonomy of Agaricales from north-western Himalaya. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, 38 (3). pp. 158-163.

Upadhyay , R C and Kaur , A and Gulati, Arvind (2004) Three New Additions to the Geneus Agaricus L.ex Fr. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology , 34 (3). pp. 852-854.

Upadhyay , R C and Kaur , A and Gulati, Arvind (2005) Dark Spore Agrics from North Western Himalaya. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, 35 (1). pp. 15-20.

Kasana , Ramesh C (2011) Cold-environment metagenomics for discovering novel microorganisms and enzymes. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5 (26). pp. 4449-4454.

Sharma, U K and Sharma , N and Salwan, R and Kumar, R and Sinha, Arun K and Kasana , Ramesh C (2011) Efficient synthesis of hydroxystyrenes via biocatalytic decarboxylation/deacetylation of substituted cinnamic acids by newly isolated Pantoea agglomerans strains. Journal of Science Food Agriculture.

Kasana , Ramesh C and Salwan, R and Yadav , S K (2011) Microbial proteases: Detection, production, and genetic improvement. Critical Reviews in Microbiology , 37 (3). pp. 262-267.

Gulati, Arvind and Atri, N S and Sharma, S K and Sharma, B M (2011) Nutrional studies on five wild Lentinus species from North-West India. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 140-145.

Sharma, Anupma and Bhondekar, Amol P and Bari, S S and Gulati, Ashu and Kapur, Pawan and Singla, M L (2011) DEVELOPMENT AND OPTIMIZATION OF AN HPLC METHOD FOR THE ROUTINE ANALYSIS OF CATECHINS, CAFFEINE, AND GALLIC ACID IN TEA (CAMELLIA SINENSIS). Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies,, 34. pp. 2243-2255.

Rahi, P and Kapoor, Riti and Young, J.P.W. and Gulati, Arvind (2012) A genetic discontinuity in root-nodulating bacteria of cultivated pea in the Indian trans-Himalayas. Molecular Ecology, 21. pp. 145-159.

Gangurde, N S and Sayyed , R S and Kiran , S and Gulati, Arvind (2012) Development of eco-friendly bioplastic like PHB by distillery effluent microorganisms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Atri, N S and Sharma, S.K and Gulati, Arvind (2012) Study on Mycelial Growth Pattern of Five Wild Pleurotus Species from North West India. American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research, 7 (1). pp. 12-15.

Gupta , Mamta and Kiran , Shashi and Gulati, Arvind and Singh , Bikram and Tewari, R (2012) Isolation and identification of phosphate solubilizing bacteria able to enhance the growth and aloin-A biosynthesis of Aloe barbadensis Miller. Microbiological Research, 167. pp. 358-363.

Gulati, Arvind and Rahi, P and Vyas, P (2008) Characterization of Phosphate-Solubilizing Fluorescent Pseudomonads from the Rhizosphere of Seabuckthorn Growing in the Cold Deserts of Himalayas. Current Microbiology, 56 (1). pp. 73-79. ISSN 0343-8651

Kasana , Ramesh C and Kaur, B and Yadav , S K (2008) Isolation and identification of a psychrotrophic Acinetobacter sp CR9 and characterization of its alkaline lipase. Journal of Basic Microbiology , 48 (3). pp. 207-212. ISSN 0233-111X

Gulati, Arvind and Vyas, P and Sharma, N and Sood, S and Rahi, P and Pathania, V and Prasad, R (2010) Organic acid production and plant growth promotion as a function of phosphate solubilization by Acinetobacter rhizosphaerae strain BIHB 723 isolated from the cold deserts of the trans-Himalayas. Achives of Microbiology, 192 (11). pp. 975-983. ISSN 0302-8933

Vyas, P and Gulati, Arvind (2009) Organic acid production in vitro and plant growth promotion in maize under controlled environment by phosphate-solubilizing fluorescent Pseudomonas. BMC Microbiology, 9. p. 174. ISSN 1471-2180

Gulati, Arvind and Vyas, P and Rahi, P and Kasana , Ramesh C (2009) Plant Growth-Promoting and Rhizosphere-Competent Acinetobacter rhizosphaerae Strain BIHB 723 from the Cold Deserts of the Himalayas. Current Microbiology, 58 (4). pp. 371-377. ISSN 0343-8651

Vyas, P and Rahi, P and Gulati, Arvind (2009) Stress Tolerance and Genetic Variability of Phosphate-solubilizing Fluorescent Pseudomonas from the Cold Deserts of the Trans-Himalayas. Microbial Ecology , 58 (2). pp. 425-434. ISSN 0095-3628

Gupta, Mamta and Rahi , P and Pathania , V and Gulati, Arvind and Singh , Bikram and Bhanwara, R K and Tewari, R (2011) Comparative efficiency of phosphate solubilizing bacteria under greenhouse conditions for promoting growth and aloin- A content of Aloe barbadensis. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science . pp. 1-13.

Atri, N S and Sharma, S K and Joshi, Robin and Gulati, Ashu and Gulati, Arvind (2012) Amino Acid Composition of Five Wild Pleurotus Species Chosen from North West India. European Journal of Biological Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 31-34.

Atri, N S and Sharma, Sapan Kumar and Kaur , Navdeep and Rahi, P and Gulati, Arvind (2012) Morpho-Cultural, Molecular and Nutraceutical Studies on Coremiopleurotus from India. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17 (6). pp. 759-763.

Daramwar, Pankaj .P and Rincy, Raju and Niloferjahan, Siddiqui and Ramakrishnan , Krithika and Gulati, Arvind and Yadav , Amit and Sharma, Rakesh and Thulasiram, Hirekodathakallu .V (2012) Transformation of (±)-lavandulol and (±)-tetrahydrolavandulol by a fungal strain Rhizopus oryzae. Journal of the Bioresource Technology, 115. pp. 70-74.

Kasana , Ramesh C and Salwan, R and Dhar, H and Dutt, Som and Gulati, Arvind (2008) A Rapid and Easy Method for the Detection of Microbial Cellulases on Agar Plates Using Gram’s Iodine. Current Microbiology, 57 (5). pp. 503-507.

Kasana , Ramesh C and Sharma , U K and Sharma , N and Sinha, Arun K (2007) Isolation and Identification of a Novel Strain of Pseudomonas chlororaphis Capable of Transforming Isoeugenol to Vanillin. Current Microbiology, 54. pp. 457-461.

Kasana , Ramesh C and Yadav , S K (2007) Isolation of a Psychrotrophic Exiguobacterium sp. SKPB5 (MTCC 7803) and Characterization of Its Alkaline Protease. Current Microbiology, 54 (3). pp. 224-229.

Khattar, J I S and Singh, D P and Jindal, N and Kaur, N and Singh, Y and Rahi, P and Gulati, Arvind (2010) Isolation and Characterization of Exopolysaccharides Produced by the Cyanobacterium Limnothrix redekei PUPCCC 116. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 162. pp. 1327-1338.

Shanmugam, V and Ajit, N S and Verma, R and Sharma, V (2008) Diversity and differentiation among fluorescent pseudomonads in crop rhizospheres with whole-cell protein profiles. Microbiologica Research, 163 (5). pp. 571-578.

Shanmugam, V and Sharma, V and -------,, Ananthapdmanaban (2008) Genetic Relatedness of Trichoderma Isolates Antagonistic against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi Inflicting Carnation Wilt. Folia Microbiologia, 53 (2). pp. 130-138.

Sharma, N and Sharma, U K and Ghosh, P and Sinha, Arun K and Sood , S and Gulati, Arvind (2009) Microwave-Assisted Efficient Extraction and Stability of Juglone in Different Solvents from Juglans regia: Quantification of Six Phenolic Constituents by Validated RP-HPLC and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity. Analytical Letters, 42. pp. 2592-2609.

Vyas, P and Rahi, P and Chauhan, A and Gulati, Arvind (2007) Phosphate solubilization potential and stress tolerance of Eupenicillium parvum from tea soil. Mycological Research, 111. pp. 931-938.

Vyas , P and Joshi, Robin and Sharma , K C and Rahi, P and Gulati, Arvind and Gulati, Ashu (2010) Cold-Adapted and Rhizosphere-Competent Strain of Rahnella sp with Broad-Spectrum Plant Growth-Promotion Potential. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20 (12). pp. 1724-1734.


Rana , Neha (2009) Screening of microorganisms for antimicrobials. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Kaur, Baljinder (2006) Isolation, purification and characterization of extracellular lipase from psychrotrophic bacterium. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Bhullar, Navneet (2010) Characterization and Screening of Thermophilic Bacteria for Industrially Important Enzymes. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Kaur, Preet Kanwal (2007) Diazotrophs with Multiple Plant Growth Promoting Attributes from Tea Rhizosphere (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Dogra , Sachin (2007) Molecular characterization of a Potyviruses infecting freesia. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

-, Shivani (2011) Polyphasic Characterization of Thermophilic Bacteria from Hot Water Springs of the North-Western Himalayas. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.



Kaur, Rajbir (2009) Identification and purification of extracellular Amylase from psychrotrophic bacterium. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Meshram, Savita (2010) Isolation, purification and screening of bacteria for Cyclodextrin glycosyl transferase production. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Kaura, Richa (2007) Construction of Marker Free Vector and Cloning of Genes”. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Singh , Shipra (2011) Expression and Purification of Recombinant Superoxide Dismutase. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Dhar , Hena (2006) Isolation and Characterization of PGPR from Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Dass , Suchismita (2011) Cloning of genes encoding cytochrome p450 group of enzymes from Picrorhiza Kurrooa. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Devi , Arti (2011) isolation, preservation and screening for cellulase production of bacterial isolates. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Kaur, Rajbir (2007) Isolation and Identification of protease producing psychrotrophic bacteria from soil. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Singh , Jujhar (2008) Recent Approaches in Molecular Biology for Identification, Cloning and Expression of Genes. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

BHARDWAJ, SURBHI (2010) Identification, cloning & expression of genes using recent approaches. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Bhardwaj, Garima and luthra, Ishana and kaur, jugwinder and Kalra, Amita and Ahuja, Kirti and Bhangalia, Swati and Ishita, Sood and Sambyal Singh, Swati and Parmar, Mudita and Dhiman, Anish and Mahajan, Sagreeka and Pratibha, Rialch and Sharma, Pratibha and Goel, Himanshu and Gupta, Kashika and Chhabra, Hitesh and Cheema, Ishwinder and Kumar Singh, Anil and Singh, Kanwaljit and Bedi, Jaskiran and Sharma, Akriti (2008) Techniques in Plant tissue culture, viral diagnostics, molecular characterization, proteomics, genomics and metabolomics, chromatography and spectrophotometry, fermentation & microbial techniques. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Garg, Abhishek and Jamwal, Abhishek and Singh Mankotia, Dhananjay and Kaur , Navjeet and Gaur , Neha and Grover , Prerna and Dhar , Priyanka and Mishra , Rajat and Sehgal, Ruchi and Saini , Venika (2007) Capsule programme for B.Tech. students : Techniques in molecular biology, Plant Tissue Culture, ELISA, Protein purification, Fermentation & Microbial techniques, Chromatography, Spectrophotometry and Bioinformatics. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

Garg, Jaffy and Singh, Vikram and Sharma, Anukriti and Khosa, Sugandhika and Sharma, Kritika and Kango, Ashima and kaur , Tavleen and -, Karishma and -, Aditya and -, Aakash and -, Ankur and Rashid , Fahad and Singh , Abhayjit and Abrol , Palki and Changotra , Rahil and Choudhary , Smriti (2009) Capsule Programme for Undergraduate programme. Masters thesis, CSIR-IHBT.

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