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Katoch, M and Abdin, M Z and Zaidi, A A (2004) First report of Tobacco rattle virus occurring in gladiolus in India. Plant Pathology, 53 (2). p. 236.

Hallan, Vipin and Sherpa, A R and Zaidi, A A (2004) CLONING AND SEQUENCING OF COAT PROTEIN GENE OF AN INDIAN ODONTOGLOSSUM RINGSPOT VIRUS ISOLATE. Acta Virologica, 48 (4). pp. 263-265.

Vaidya, Manita and Shanmugam, V and Gulati, Arvind (2004) Evaluation of Bio-Control Agents Against Fusarium Isolates Infecting Carnation, Gladiolus. Annals of Plant Proection Sciences, 12 (2). pp. 314-320.

Pati, P K and Sharma, Madhu and Sood, A and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) DIRECT SHOOT REGENERATION FROM LEAF EXPLANTS OF ROSA DAMASCENA MILL. in Vitro Plant Cellular and Developmental Biology, 40 (2). pp. 192-195.

Bhattacharya, Amita and Nagar , P K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Changes in en dog e nous indole-3-ace tic acid and some bio chem i cal pa ram e ters dur ing seed de vel op ment in Ca mel lia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. Acta Physiologia Plantarum, 26 (4). pp. 399-404.

Sharma, P and Bhattacharya, Amita and Pandey, S and Nagar , P K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) ABA associated biochemical changes during somatic embryo development in Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. Journal of Plant Physiology, 161 (11). pp. 1269-1276.

Sharma, P K and Chauhan, N S and Lal, Brij (2004) Observations on the traditional phytotherapy among the inhabitants of Parvati valley in western Himalaya, India. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 92 . pp. 167-176.

Pati, P K and Sharma, Madhu and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Isolation of microspore protoplasts in Rosa L. Current Science, 87 (1). pp. 23-24. ISSN 0011-3891

Kulshrestha, S and Hallan, Vipin and Raikhy, G and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A (2004) Strawberry latent ringspot virus Infecting Roses in India. Plant Disease, 88 (1). p. 86.

Kharkwal, A C and Prakash, Om and Bhattacharya, Amita and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Mass propagation and conservation of Podophyllum emodi wall-An endangered medicinal plant of the Himalaya. Plant Genetic Resources, 2 (1). pp. 51-57.

Saini, U and Bhattacharya, Amita (2004) GMOs and biosafety In: Biochemical and biotechnological advances in crop productivity and quality improvement. CP Awasthi (Ed.). Indian society of Agricultural Biochemists Palampur, CSKHPKV, Palampur . pp. 41-49.

Sharma , P and Pandey, S and Bhattacharya, Amita and Nagar , P K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Role of ABA and dessication tolerance ub tea simatic embryos. Indian Journa of Plant Physiology. pp. 661-665.

Sharma , P K and Chauhan, N S and Lal, Brij (2004) Malana - an abode of unique democracy in high mountains of western Himalaya. Man in India , 84 (3 & 4). pp. 241-251.

Upadhyay , R C and Kaur , A and Gulati, Arvind (2004) Three New Additions to the Geneus Agaricus L.ex Fr. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology , 34 (3). pp. 852-854.

Sharma , S and Singh , Bikram and Rani , G and Zaidi , A A and Hallan, Vipin and Virk , G S (2004) Current status of Indian citrus ringspot virus (ICRSV) in Kinnow orchards of Punjab and neighbouring states. International Journal of Bioscience Reporter , 2 (2). pp. 132-135.

Lal, Brij and Negi, H R and Singh, R D and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Medicinal uses of Dactylorhiza hatagirea among the natives of higher altitudes in western himalaya. Journal of Orchid Society of India, 18 (1-2). pp. 97-100.

Verma , N and Raja, Ram and Hallan , Vipin and Zaidi , A A (2004) Meristern tip culture of Product.Cucumber mosaic virus-free chrysanthemums. Australian Flower Undustry , 2 (2). p. 14.

Kumar, Neeraj and Pandey, S and Bhattacharya, Amita and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Do leaf surface characteristics affect Agrobacterium infection in tea [Camellia sinensis(L.) O Kuntze? Journal of Biosource, 29 (3). pp. 309-317. ISSN 0250-5991

Kumar, J K and Sinha, Arun K (2004) Resurgence of natural colourants: A holistic view. Natural Product Research, 18 (1). pp. 59-84. ISSN 1478-6419

Sinha, Arun K and Joshi, B P and Sharma, A and Goel, H C and Prasad, J (2004) Ultrasound-assisted conversion of toxic beta-asarone into nontoxic bioactive phenylpropanoid: Isoacoramone, a metabolite of Piper marginatum and Acorus tararinowii. Natural Product Research, 18 (3). pp. 219-223. ISSN 1478-6419

Bhattacharya, Amita and Mondal, T K and Sandal, I and Prakash, Om and Kumar, Sanjay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Genetic transformation of tea In:(Ed.Curtis,l.) Transgenic Crops od the World Chaplter 13. Kluwer Academic Publishers, . pp. 171-185.

Dhyani, D (2004) Conservation and morphological variability studeis in Rosa cathayensis. Ornamental Horticulture, 7 (3-4). pp. 97-101.

Godbole, S and Sood, A and Sharma, Madhu and Nagar , P K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Starch deposition and amylase accumulation during somatic embryogenesis in bamboo (Dendrocalamus hamiltonii ). Journal of Plant Physiology, 161 (2). pp. 245-248.

Gupta, D and Bhardwaj , R and Nagar , P K and Kaur, S (2004) Isolation and characterization of brassinosteroids from leaves of Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze. Plant Growth Regulation, 43 (2). pp. 97-100.

Hallan, Vipin and Kulshrestha, S and Kumar, Amit and Raikhy, G and Raja, Ram and Garg, I.D. and Zaidi, A A (2004) MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF AN IRIS SEVERE MOSAIC VIRUS ISOLATE FROM INDIA. Acta Virologica, 48 (1). pp. 65-67.

Jaggi, Shivani and Kumar , Vipin and S D , Ravindranath and Adarsh, Shanker (2004) Impact of bioltic environmental factors in the fate of fenazaquin residues in tea crop. Journal of Plantation Crops , 32 (2). pp. 52-56.

Kumar, Ajay and Nadda, Gireesh and Shanker, Adarsh (2004) Determination of chlorpyrifos 20% EC (Dursban 20 EC) in scented rose and its products. Journal of Chromatography, 1050 (2). pp. 193-199.

Kumar, Neeraj and Kumar, Sanjay and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Differences in the activation state of ribulose-1,5-bispliosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in barley, pea, and wheat at two altitudes. Photosynthetica, 42 (2). pp. 303-305. ISSN 0300-3604

Kumar , Ajay and Sood , Sonika and Metha, Vandana and Nadda , Gireesh and Adarsh, Shanker (2004) Biology of Thysannoplusia orichalcea (Fab.) in relation to host pregerence and suitability for insect culture and bioeffecacy. Indian of Applied Entomology, 18 (1). pp. 16-21.

Kumar , Ajay and Thakur, Meena and Nigam, S K and Nadda, Gireesh and Adarsh, Shanker (2004) Omite bioefficacy against scarlet mite, Brevipalpus phoenicisi (Geijskes) in Kangra tea. Pestology, 28 (2). pp. 21-25.

Kumar , Vipin and S D , Ravindranath and Shanker, Adarsh (2004) Fate of hexaconazole residues in tea and its behavior during brewing process. Chemical Health and Safety, 11 (1). pp. 21-25.

Mahmood, U and Kaul , V K and Acharya , Ruchi (2004) Volatile constituents of Capillipedium parviflorum. Phytochemistry, 63. pp. 2163-2166.

Mondal , T K and Bhattacharya, Amita and Lakshmikumaran, M and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Recent advances of tea (Camellia sinensis) biotechnology. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 76 (3). pp. 195-254.

Nagar , P K and Sood, S (2004) Advances in plant hormone receptors In: Advances in Plant Physiology Series, An Intrnational Treatise Series,(Ed.) Hemantranjan A,. Plant physiology, 7. pp. 383-400.

Pati, P K and Sharma , Madhu and Sood, A and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh (2004) Direct regeneration from leaf in Rosa damascene Mill. In vitro. Plant Cellular and Development Biology, 40 (2). pp. 192-195.

Raja, Ram and Manuja, Sandeep and Dhyani, D and Mukherjee, D (2004) Evaluations of fortified fungicide solutions in managing corm rot disease of gladiolus caused by Fusarium oxysporum. Crop Protection, 23. pp. 783-788.

Singh, K and Raizada, J and Bhardwaj , P and Ghawana, S and Rani, A and Singh, H and Kaul, Kiran and Kumar, Sanjay (2004) 26S rRNA-based internal control gene primer pair for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-based quantitative expression studies in diverse plant species. Analytical Biochemistry, 335. pp. 330-333.

Singh , Virendra and Megeji, N W and Kaul , V K and Sharma, Abilekha and Mehashwari, M L (2004) Peppermint (Menths piperita)- A local strain from kangra valley of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Perfumer, 48 (3). pp. 277-281.

Sood, Chitra and Jaggi, Shivani and Kumar, Vipin and S D , Ravindranath and Shanker, Adarsh (2004) How manufacturing processes affect the level of pesticide residues in tea†. Journal of Science ofFood and Agriculture, 84 (15). pp. 2123-2127.

Sood, S and Nagar , P K (2004) Changes in endogenous polyamines during flower development in two diverse species of rose. Plant Growth Regulation, 44 (2). pp. 117-123.

Tewary, D K and Kumar , Vipin and Adarsh, Shanker (2004) Leaching of pesticides in herbal decoction. Chemical Health and Safety, 11 (4). pp. 25-29.

Verma, N and Raja, Ram and Hallan, Vipin and Kumar, K and Zaidi, A A (2004) Production of Cucumber mosaic virus-free chrysanthemums by meristem tip culture. Crop Protection, 23 (5). pp. 469-473. ISSN 0261-2194

Verma, N and Singh, A K and Singh, L and Kulshrestha, S and Hallan, Vipin and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A and Raikhy, G (2004) Occurrence of Cucumber mosaic virus in Gerbera jamesonii in India. Plant Disease , 88 (10). p. 1161.



csir, ihbt (2004) Identification of anti-viral activity of Tagetes minuta oil and its components. 10/101,301 (PP14,979).

CSIR-IHBT (2004) Gladiolus hybrid plant 'PALAMPUR PRIDE'. 10/106300 (PP14980).

CSIR-IHBT (2004) Gladiolus hybrid plant 'GRACE'. 10/106301(PP14979).

csir, ihbt (2004) A process for production of herbal wine (Palam Belle) from ripe fruits of Pyrus pashia. 10/105,873 (6,793,957).

csir, ihbt (2004) Method for producing chiral dihydrotagetone and its conversion to chiral 5-isobutyl-3-methyl-4,5-dihydro-2(3H)-furanone. 10/449,098 (6,833,475).

CSIR-IHBT (2004) A process for production of herbal wine (Palam Belle) from ripe fruits of Pyrus pashia. 10/105,873 (6793957).

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