Number of items: 34.
Katoch, M and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A
Status of bean yellow mosaic virus on Gladiolus.
Crop Protection, 21 (9).
pp. 861-865.
Bhattacharya, Amita and Nagar , P K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh
Seed development in Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze.
Seed Science Research, 12 (1).
pp. 39-46.
ISSN 0960-2585
Mondal, T K and Bhattacharya, Amita and Sood, A and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh
Propagation of tea (Camellia sinensis(L.)O.Kuntze) by shoot proliferation of alignate encapsulated axillary buds stored at 4 degree C.
Current Science, 83.
pp. 941-944.
Vats, S K and Singh , R D
The accuracy of floristic surveys and digitizing biodiversity.
Current Science, 82 (10).
p. 1194.
Sinha , Arun K and Dogra, R and Joshi, B P
A concise conversion of β-asarone into 1-(3'-methoxypropanoyl)-2,4,5-trimethoxybenzene occurring in Cordia alliodora.
Indian Journal of Chemistry B, 41 B.
pp. 635-8.
ISSN 0376-4699
Singh , M K
Post-harvest handling and care of cut flower.
Indian Horticulture, 46 (4).
pp. 44-45.
G D, Kiran Babu and Kual, V K and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh
Protable Mini Essential Oil Distillation Apparatus.
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 61.
pp. 952-960.
Singh , M K
Cromm production in gladiolus as affected by size of coemelsl and GA3 application in:.
Floriculture Research Trend in Inda, Indian society of Ornamental Horticulture.
pp. 246-428.
Sood, A and Sharma, Madhu and Godbole, S
Micropropagation Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Munro (Magga Bamboo) using explants taken from sed-raised and field-tested plus plants.
Journal of Plant Biology, 29.
125 -132.
Verma, V H K and Mahmood, U and Singh , Bikram
Clerodane diterpenoids from Ajuga bracteosa Wall.
Natural Product Letters, 16 (4).
pp. 255-259.
ISSN 1057-5634
Mondal, T K and Bhattacharya, Amita and Sood, A and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh
Factors affecting germination and conversion frequency of somatic embryos of tea [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze].
Journal of Plant Physiology , 159 (12).
pp. 1371-21.
ISSN 0176-1617
Mahmood, U and Kaul , V K and Singh , Bikram
Sesquiterpene and long chain ester from Tanacetum longifolium.
Phytochemistry, 61 (8).
pp. 913-917.
ISSN 0031-9422
G D, Kiran Babu and Singh , Bikram and Joshi , V P and Singh, Virendra
Essential oil composition of Damask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) distilled under different pressures and temperatures.
Flavour and frangrance Journal, 17 (2).
pp. 136-140.
ISSN 0882-5734
Godbole, S and Sood, A and Thakur, R and Sharma, Mohit and Ahuja, Paramvir Singh
Somatic embryogenesis and its conversion into plantlets in a multipurpose bamboo, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Nees et Arn. Ex Munro.
Current Science, 83.
pp. 885-9.
Goel, H C and Prasad, J and Singh, S and Sagar, R K and Kumar, I P and Sinha, Arun K
Radioprotection by a herbal preparation of
Hippophae rhamnoides, RH-3, against whole body lethal
irradiation in mice.
Phytomed, 9.
pp. 15-25.
Mahmood, U and Kaul , V K
Alkylated benzoquinones from Iris kumaonensis§.
Phytochemistry, 61 (8).
pp. 923-6.
Negi, H R
Abundance and diversity moss communities of Chhopta-Tunganath in the Garhwak Himalaya.
Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 98 (3).
pp. 418-433.
Negi, H R
Assigning conservation value to macrolichens of nanda Devii Biosphee Reserve.
International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 28.
pp. 210-10.
Negi, H R
Cross-taxon surrogacy of biodiversity in the
Indian Garhwal Himalaya.
Biological Conservation, 105.
pp. 143-55.
Pandey, S and Nagar , P K
Leaf surface wetness and morphological characteristics of Valeriana jatamansi grown under open and shade habitats.
Biologia Plantarum, 45 (2).
pp. 291-294.
Pandey, S and Nagar , P K
An efficient liquid culture system for tea shoot proliferation.
Biol.Plant, 45.
pp. 291-4.
Raja, Ram and Mukherjee, D and Manuja, Sandeep
Plant Growth Regulators Affect the Development of Both Corms and Cormels in Gladiolus.
Horticulture Science, 37 (2).
pp. 343-344.
Singh , Bikram and Singh, Virendra
Crop productivity and variation chemical composition of Tagetes minuta Linn. Essential oil and distillation during crop maturity in mid-hills of western Himalayan region.
Jouornal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 5.
pp. 30-37.
Singh , S
Promoting and strenthening rural enterprise in Himachal Pradesh by transfer nof relevant agrotechnologies for floriculture.
North Ar Lily Soc. Quarat.Bull., 56.
pp. 18-22.
Sinha, Arun K and Acharya , Ruchi and Joshi, B P
A mild and convenient procedure for the conversion of toxic beta-asarone into rare phenylpropanoids: 2,4,5-trimethoxycinnamaldehyde and gamma-asarone.
Journal of Natural Products , 65 (5).
pp. 764-765.
ISSN 0163-3864
Vats, S K and Pandey, S and Nagar , P K
Photosynthetic response to irradiance in Valeriana jatamansiJ.-a threatened understorey medicinal herb of western Himalayas.
Photosynthetica, 40 (4).
pp. 625-628.
Verma, N and Hallan, Vipin and Raja, Ram and Zaidi, A A
Detection of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus in begonia by RT-PCR.
Plant Pathology, 51.
p. 800.
ISSN 0032-0862
Vyas , D and Sahoo , R and Kumar , Sanjay
Possible mechanism and implication of phenolics-mediated reduction of XTT (Sodium,3'[|-phenylamino-carbony|]-3,4-tetrazolium )-bis(4-meth-6-nitro)
benzene-sulphonic acid hydrate.
Current Science, 83.
pp. 1588-92.
Identification of anti-viral activity of Tagetes minuta oil and its components.
09/765,075 (6,444,458).
csir, ihbt
Species specific DNA sequences and their utilization in identification of viola species and authentication of "banafsha" by polymerase chain reaction.
csir, ihbt
The introduction of dihydrotagetone (3,7-dimethyl, 5-one, 1-octene) present in Tagetes minuta essential oil as perfumery and flavour material and chemical modification of dihydrotagetone into new value added perfumery and flavouring molecules.
Gladiolus Plant Named 'Anurag'.
(09/817,137) PP13353.
Gladiolus Hybrid Plant Named 'PALAMPUR QUEEN'.
09/815,605 (PP13418).
Brick Beauty.
09/812959 (PP13417).
This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 23:33:44 2025 IST.